Are you ready to connect with yourself and others in an exciting new way?
Time for Ecstatic Spring Celebrations!
Join Julita and Richard for an evening of fun, togetherness and great music that you’ll love to dance to!
For this event Julita and Richard are merging together their passion for music, embodiment and facilitation to create an evening of uplifting dance music and community vibes.
An exhilarating event featuring ecstatic dance, cacao, and contact improvisation led by two experienced facilitators. This is not just any ordinary gathering - it's a chance to tap into your inner energy and express yourself freely through movement and music. You'll be guided to immerse yourself in the joy of ecstatic dance, enjoy the uplifting effects of cacao, and connect with others through contact improvisation. Contact Improvisation is a unique form of dance that allows us to connect with ourselves and others through embodied movement in a profound way, fostering trust, communication, and community. This is an event that will leave you feeling inspired, energised, and connected. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to experience the power of movement, connection, and community. Join us for an unforgettable evening of ecstatic dance, cacao, and contact improvisation.
Opening Circle
Ecstatic Dance
Contact Improvisation
Closing Circle
Richard Parker is passionate about the deep human experience that can be revealed through Contact Improvisation. By using a simple combination of easy-to-follow movement skills, creativity & free exploration, he takes participants on a journey into the co-creative wonders of this practice. To find out more:
What is Ecstatic Dance?
As per definition, ecstatic states are the expansion of perception, the transcending of limitations, and a sense of union with the universe. Dance helps to release emotions, and helps to access sublime states of mind and body. When we dance, the body produces adrenaline and norepinephrine, which improve our well-being, endorphins called the "happiness enzyme" because in addition to the fact that it helps to relieve the pain, it is also present in our body when we fall in love and when experience euphoric joy. Endorphins’s excess is responsible for the states of ecstasy that appear after a very intense dance. Adding the Cocoa Ritual to the process gives an explosion of joy.
What is Contact Improvisation?
Contact Improvisation (CI) is a practice of how two or more bodies move together as one in close physical contact. It teaches how to listen and communicate through movement within a spontaneously unfolding improvised dance. Ranging anywhere from playful & energetic to sensitive & quiet with dynamic movements that go from standing to the floor. To find out more:
What is the Cacao and why do I use it at my workshops?
Cacao is different from confectionery chocolate or even cocoa or cacao powder. What makes cacao different is its active ingredients are deeply nourishing for our physical bodies. It's full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and neurotransmitters. Cacao increases blood flow to the brain and heart, creating heightened mental agility, awareness, and focus. It’s also an aphrodisiac and energy-enhancer.
I prepare this delicious nectar from raw, unprocessed cacao beans adding plant milk and plant syrup for a milder taste so we can enjoy the drink that stimulates our senses. I suggest drinking it mindfully, holding an intention or just enjoy in your own way.