Take a deep breath…
go deeper into yourself and listen to parts of you that are ready to be awakened to life
Tap into this new born energy of Spring Equinox!
I am very excited to invite you to an amazing event - Awakening to Life!
Spring brings energy of renewal, new beginnings and enthusiasm. Can you feel it? Take a deep breath, go deeper into yourself and listen to parts of you that are ready to be awakened to life. Imagine yourself as a child who is curious about life, wanting to explore and try new things and let yourself tap into this new born energy of Spring Equinox!
During this workshop we will be giving a boost of energy to our body, mind and soul.
And you will experience…
Your senses awakening
Vitality and passion increasing
Kundalini rising
Joy and playfulness radiating
The Shakti energy - creative life-force pulsating in you
We will take this journey together to bring to life what is delicate, pure and joyful in us - the Maiden Archetype - symbol of innocence, purity and youthfulness so we can live from our hearts feeling empowered in our uniqueness. We will connect with our Inner Child and let ourselves be mischievous and explore free and playful improvisation that helps us to be flexible and open.
I am planning for you a day full of excitement, exploration, togetherness, effervescing playfulness, laughter and….
🌱Women’s circle 🌱 Breath work 🌱Meditation - awakening the Inner Child: Healing wounds and recovering innocence and joy 🌱Awakening to life - Kundalini Yoga 🌱Tantric practises 🌱Introduction to cycle of nature and women’s life - Spring - symbolism of The Maiden Archetype 🌱Cacao Ceremony 🌱 Intuitive Dance of Innocence* 🌱Fruit, drinks and snacks🌱
*With special guest - amazing Breath work facilitator - Ewelina Nowikowska
So let’s gather to dance, drink a delicious ceremonial cacao and celebrate the newborn energy of Spring!
Opening Circle
Awakening to life - Kundalini Yoga Session
Lunch Break (snacks to share)
"Tree Meditation” to connect to Muladhara - root energy
Breath work session with Ewelina
Reconnecting with the Inner Child Guided meditation: Healing wounds and recovering innocence and joy - Pair work
Tea Break
Introduction to cycle of nature and women’s life - Spring - symbolism of The Maiden Archetype
Cacao Ceremony
Intuitive Dance of Innocence
Closing circle - sharing
*About Ewelina:
Ewelina is a Breath Master and yoga teacher: practising since 2015 and teaching since 2021. Her passion is helping people find their own path through transformational breathwork, whether it's a path to love, peace, understanding, forgiveness or simply a path of connecting with their own body.
On this occasion Ewelina will guide you through a deep breathwork designed to cleanse all 5 layers of the body: physical, mental, emotional, energetical and spiritual. She will guide you through each breathing technique and a set of breath holds. You'll be able to experience a different level of awareness, spaciousness and peace within. Through each breathing round you'll be dropping deeper and deeper into your unique experience of self and, as the theme of this event suggests, awakening to a brand new season of SPRING.
Shakti Awakening is a series of workshops for women focusing on awakening life-giving Shakti energy - the creative feminine power dormant in the hips. It is a practice of embodiment, a return to Mother Earth, a return to your power. Through the Intuitive Dance we awake our sexual energy - source of creativity and vitality through conscious breathing and movements.
What is the Cacao Ceremony and why do I use it at my workshops?
Cacao was used by the Maya and Aztecs as a sacred plant supporting inner journeys to the spiritual worlds. They believed that cocoa harmonises the imbalance between the mind and the heart, helps to fully open the heart and feel unconditional love.
Ceremonial cacao is different from confectionery chocolate or even cocoa or cacao powder. What makes ceremonial cacao different is its active ingredients and how the cacao butter is preserved. The bean is gently fermented and ground into a rich paste. Cacao is deeply nourishing for our physical bodies. It's full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and neurotransmitters. Cacao increases blood flow to the brain and heart, creating heightened mental agility, awareness, and focus. It’s also an aphrodisiac and energy-enhancer.
I prepare this delicious nectar from raw, unprocessed cacao beans adding plant milk and plant syrup for a milder taste so we can enjoy the drink that stimulates our senses. I suggest drinking it mindfully, holding an intention or just enjoy in your own way.