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Winter Solstice Tantric Gathering, Cacao Ceremony & Sense Dance

The winter solstice has been celebrated since the earliest times in many different cultures. The darkest day of the year invites us to slow down and embrace the darkness within us. This may cause distress and resistance to accept the inevitable change. Even though you may feel more tired because your body is attuning to the change of the season, you’re probably still pushing yourself to be busy and active. Deep wisdom of this time is hidden in stillness. It is a perfect time to prepare the ground for a deep rest. So…take a breath and go deeper into yourself. Listen to parts of you that are ready to be healed and released. We will gather on winter solstice to connect, meditate, dance, drink a delicious ceremonial cacao and celebrate the rebirth of light. Let's take this journey together to awake The Crown Archetype within us and transmute turbulent emotions into deep womb wisdom.


Opening Circle

Cacao Ceremony and Light Ritual

Introduction to cycles of nature and women’s life - Winter symbolism and The Crone archetype - cycle of Life and Death

Guided meditation - The ritual of dying/letting go

*Sense Dance - Blindfolded Dance

Sound Bath

Closing circle - sharing 

*Sense Dance is a unique combination of movement, music, and sounds of instruments. Guided by unique musical soundtracks, the Dance of the Senses will take you on an inner journey. You will move blindfolded to the rhythm of the music, exploring the space around in an intuitive way. I will guide you into a meditative state that allows you to deepen contact with your body, find your intuition, source of power, creativity and joy. 

26 November

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31 December

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