“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” - Rumi

About Me

My quest is to help you to awaken your body’s wisdom and to empower you to find your true self and to connect with the source of joy that lies within you. When you let your body be your guide, you find more pleasure and freedom on a daily basis and you open to the Infinite Flow of life.



My name is Julita. I am an integrative therapist specialising in movement, body and energy work, a certified Tantra Yoga teacher, Psychotherapist, Tantra and Meditation Coach.

After more than ten years of explorations of mind and emotions, I felt the need to expand beyond it so when I finished a four-year Transpersonal Psychotherapy diploma course in London, I travelled to mainland Europe and Asia. My journey was fuelled by a desire to find a way of making my passions come to life while deepening my personal practice under the guidance and support of experienced yoga and tantra teachers.

I am passionate about

Dance, yoga, tantra, meditation and healthy living. I bring these passions to my work, including elements of creative expression, body, energy and breath work with an emphasis on the healing power of the body's natural energy flow. Because there is nowhere I feel more alive than when I am involved in conscious movement, whether this be dancing or practicing yoga, I designed Flow Infinito to bring you the benefits of movement in all its forms.

Flow Infinito is a fusion of the ancient wisdom of yoga and tantra, Western psychology, my training as a transpersonal psychotherapist and my own lived experience to bring healing and wellbeing to every aspect of you: body, mind and soul!

Flow Infinito offers group workshops and individual sessions of various forms of therapies including tantra, yoga, meditation, holistic coaching and psychotherapy, body work, Intuitive Dance and art-therapy.